Section 504 Plan


If your child is struggling in school, a Section 504 Plan might help.thoughtful light bulb

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What is a Section 504 Plan?

Section 504 is a civil rights law that prohibits schools from discriminating against students with disabilities. To provide a student with a disability the same chance to benefit from school programs, services, and activities as a student without a disability, Section 504 requires schools to develop a 504 Plan for students with disabilities.

A 504 Plan tells what the school will do to help make sure that the individual educational needs of a student with a disability are being met. These ways of helping a student with a disability are called accommodations.

How does a student qualify for a 504 Plan?

  1. The student must have a physical or mental condition that impairs learning or participating in school programs or activities.
  2. The student's impairment must affect at least one major life activity, such as seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, breathing, speaking, walking, thinking, learning, or working.
  3. The impairment must substantially limit the life activity.

Referral Process

  • If you think your child might qualify for a 504 Plan, contact the 504 Coordinator at your child's school to heIp you with the paperwork necessary to refer your child for 504 assessment.
  • A 504 Team will review the referral along with all supporting materials, assess further if necessary, and send you a 504 meeting notice and procedural safeguards if the team decides the process will move forward.
  • At the 504 meeting, the team will make a final determination  of eligibility, develop reasonable accommodations, and complete a 504 Accommodation Plan.

504 Questions?

Each school has a staff member who serves as 504 Coordinator. This person handles all 504 Plans at the school and is the main contact for parents/guardians. If you have questions about 504 Plans, call your child's school, and ask for the school’s 504 Coordinator.