JFK CLUBS Overview


Kennedy High School provides a wide variety of clubs that reflects the diversity of its students. Clubs provide school and community involvement, as well as being a mecca for meeting new people and improving your self-being.

Need money for your club? – Start fundraising

Want new members? – Publicize

More fun? – Start activities and get involved at school - Club Documents

Rules and Regulations:

  • Each club must complete a club packet (given in the spring, usually in April). Each year after completing the packet, clubs will need to renew their club constitution, advisor agreement, and club contract info
  • On the first Wednesday of every month (unless noted otherwise), ASB holds a mandatory all clubs meeting during lunch in room 156. The purpose of these meetings are to impart important information regarding club activities and participation for the year. We  generally keep track of the well being of all clubs on campus.

Monthly Club meetings are mandatory. A representative from each club MUST ATTEND. If not, there are consequences:

1 Missed meeting: The club will receive a warning

2 Missed meetings: The club will be fined $5.00

3 Missed meetings: The club will be terminated.

Are you interested in joining a club? Click the link, click the club or clubs you are interested in to contact that club.

*If a club representative can absolutely not attend, they must check in with Ms. Mulcahy (the Activities Director) prior to the meeting in Room 156.

  • A club is inactive if their accounts are frozen for more than 18 months and if they fail to come to the monthly mandatory meetings, After 18 months of being inactive, the clubs money are transferred to the ASB account.
  • A club will not be allowed to access their funds until the club constitution is turned in and approved.

*Note - if you need a Location Room 156 is open daily unless Ms. Mulcahy is absent

Any question or concerns about clubs? Email: clubsjfk@gmail.com (please CC Ms. Mulcahy, vmulcahy@fusdk12.net on any correspondence to club commissioners. Thank You)

List of current clubs 

Check out the ASB Clubs page for our current clubs.

Are you interested in joining a club? Click the link above. Click the club you are interested in to sign up for that club.