Clubs on Campus

Forms for Clubs

How to Start a Club

Starting a new club takes a few simple steps:

1. Advisor-

All clubs at John F. Kennedy must have an on-site, certificated staff member as advisor. Clubs must be properly supervised by school personnel in all projects and activities. (Refer to advisor tab located under teacher & community tab)

2. Members-

Once you have an advisor, schedule a meeting at lunch to encourage students wishing to join the club you propose. Find students who share the common interest with this club. Members can be brought in through announcements(see Ms. Mulcahy), recruiting during all clubs week, multicultural week, or word of mouth. There is no maximum limit to the number of members in the club, only the minimum. In order for a club to form, you must have a minimum of 4 students and an advisor. Membership in clubs shall be open to ALL students. Clubs must have four elected officers who are charged with carrying out responsibilities entrusted to them.

3. Constitution-

Once you have an advisor and members, the next step is to make a club constitution. Complete and follow all the guidelines on the club packet form. The constitution is the set of rules for your organization. It spells out the name of the group, the officers, the mission statement of the organization, the rules by which they are governed, the membership and voting criteria, and any specific needs as desired by the group. At the beginning of a school year the constitution should be reviewed by the membership and modified as needed. The club officers must sign the constitution and date it. This constitution is then submitted to the ASB for acceptance and registration of the club.

4. Student Body Approval-

When the club constitution and packet are completely filled out submit it all to the Activities Director for an official meeting with the student council for final approval. If there are any questions that cannot be answered, the discussion will be tabled until a club representative can be reached for an answer. A majority vote of the voting members present shall grant a club official status.

* Any student attending John F Kennedy is permitted to start a new club.

* Please note you must be approved in order to fundraise or put on activities at JFK.

Activities Director: Tori Mulcahy

Email Address:

How to renew a club

Renewing a club is simple it just takes the following steps:

1. Club profile.

2. Look over and sign the club by law agreement.

3. Choose an advisor.

4. Review and revise Constitution.

5. Create a tentative plan for the upcoming school year.

6. Turn in completed packet before the announced due date to ensure class is approved for the upcoming school year.