Fire, Earthquake & Lock Down

Fire/Fire Drill
In the event of a fire or fire drill, the fire alarm will sound in all of the classrooms. The students and teachers are to promptly leave their classrooms and head to the blacktop. Once the students and teachers are there, the teachers are to confirm that they have all of their students. The administrators will then confirm that everyone has safely evacuated the school and is safe.

In the event that we need to leave the campus entirely, the students will head to the Warm Springs Community Park by the local community center or we will go to Warm Spring Elementary School, depending on the circumstances.

If we need to dismiss the students from the blacktop or either of the evacuation sites, a command center will be set up where parents and guardians can come to pick up their students. We will use the emergency information provided at the beginning of the year to make sure the students go with who they are supposed to. We will require identification such as a driver's license for all parents and guardians when dismissing a child in this situation.

In the event of an earthquake, the students and teachers that are in their classrooms are to get under their desks, cover their heads with one arm, and hold onto the desk with their other arm. If the students are outside, they are to get on their hands and knees and stay away from the buildings and trees. The students and teachers will need to wait in this position both during and after the earthquake to protect themselves. Once things have settled, either the fire alarm will sound or an announcement will be made to have the students and teachers evacuate the buildings and from this point on, fire drill procedures will be followed in regards to assembling, and making sure that everyone is accounted for and safe.

Lock Down
A lock down is called when there is a potential danger to the students. A lock down can be called by the school administrator, school district leadership, and/or the Fremont Police Department. If a lock down is called, all of the students are immediately brought into a school building (though it may not be their classroom). Once the students are in a room, the teacher will make sure that the doors are locked, the windows and blinds are closed, and everyone is quiet. The students will remain in the room until the lock down is lifted. It is important that parents not try to come to the school during a lock down as they will not be able to get into any of the rooms (including the school office), no students will be dismissed during the lock down, and there potentially may be a dangerous situation around or on the campus.

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