Letters of Recommendation

At times, students may need letters of recommendation from their counselor throughout their high school career. Counselor letter of recommendation are typically needed for college applications, summer program applications, employment, or private high school applications. For all counselor recommendation requests, students must follow the directions outlined below and submit all documents to their counselor 3 WEEKS before the application deadline.

Please note: deadlines to request a letter of recommendation for a college application are different and outlined in the college application process tab.

Requesting Letters of Recommendation for a College Application

Follow the directions outlined in the College Application Process.

Requesting Letters of Recommendation for a Summer Enrichment Program

Follow the directions outlined in the Summer Enrichment Programs.

Requesting a Letter of Recommendation for a Scholarship, Employment, Private High School Application, etc.

Complete the following documents and turn in the forms to your counselor 3 WEEKS prior to the deadline. Be sure to include any additional forms/documents that need to be filled out and provide a stamped, address envelope.