Public Participation Guidelines for Committee Meetings

Most meetings are held in person at the District Office 4210 Technology Drive. If the meeting is after 4:30 PM please go to North Entrance (left side of building) and follow notice on door instructions for access to the meeting. There is no live stream or virtual options for in person Committee meetings (or recordings); to participate you must be on site. Check agenda for meeting rooms and process to provide public comments - no emails will be read during the meeting.

All participants should act civil and appropriate for a public meeting. The Committee respects the right of the public to comment on Committee matters. Employees who are defamed by public comment may be entitled to pursue legal action against those who engage in such comments.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda or accommodations in order to observe or participate in Committee meetings are invited to contact - add "Accommodation" to subject line - immediately after the meeting has been posted. Every effort will be made to accommodate your requests.

Participating in Virtual (non Brown Act) Committee Meetings

Please note: virtual meetings have the same behavior guidelines above - ONLY the Board Budget Sub-Committee (BBSC) and Superintendent Budget Advisory Task Force (SBATF) are virtual (as of 7/25/24). Public comments will be accepted live on Google Meet. Additionally the public can provide email comments to the Committee Liaison.