New Developments – Designation ‘unassigned’

Assignment of Attendance Areas

FUSD Board of Education Member, Larry Sweeney. "We will continue to make every effort to place students in their neighborhood school - or as close as possible. However, under current conditions, we must use the 'unassigned' designation as needed with all present and future housing developments until the State Legislature sees fit to revamp the developer fee schedule to assist school districts in keeping up with population growth."

Reference: Board Policy 7010.2

~ 8. If staff believes that the entire attendance area is overcrowded and the student generation rate from the new development will further impact all levels, and cannot be accommodated at the schools within the historically contiguous boundaries, then staff will recommend that the development be assigned to other attendance areas or be designated as unassigned at that time.

Video explaining the designation (2015) (Former Superintendent Dr. James Morris - focused on Patterson Ranch - but other new developments have a similar designation)


Please Note: Even if you are assigned to an attendance area that doesn’t mean that is where you will go.

What is "overload"?
Overloading occurs when students are assigned to a different school than their home school due to overcrowding at their home school.

What does it mean when a school is impacted?
A school that is impacted has reached its capacity for enrollment in a given grade (e.g. school “A” can be impacted in one grade and not impacted in another grade). Schools that are impacted vary from year to year. All Fremont residents (who complete enrollment) are guaranteed enrollment in a Fremont Unified District school. Placement at one's home school is not guaranteed.

Do I have a choice on where my child is overloaded to?
No, students are overloaded to schools where space is available.

More: Enrollment & Registration

Overload Complaint Form (informedk12)