Welcome to the College & Career Center
sName: Kris Miller
Email Address: kmiller@fusdk12.net
510-657-4070 x 27204
Kennedy High School's ATP/CEEB CODE is 050966
This center works with students, parents, counselors, and the community to provide career guidance and college information to the students of John F. Kennedy High. Career search, assessments, CTE (Career Technical Education) opportunities, college searches, application submissions, and financial aid information and assistance are available at the center.
ROP Classes Available for 2025/2026 School Year
Click HERE
Virtual College Tours HERE
Current Seniors who want a Final Transcript there are 2 ways to obtain it . . . .
- Option #1 :Order your transcript through Parchment at https://www.parchment.com/
u/registration/170927/account You are able to track your order, but there is a $10.25 per transcript fee. - OPTION #2: Take Ms. Bullock a self addressed, stamped envelope to the College that you want it sent to. Complete the form that is outside her door and place it with the envelope. There is no tracking of the transcript using this choice, it will be sent out in the US mail.
It is never too early for students to begin their college and career planning.
12th Grade (Seniors)
- College Visits Colleges visit the John F. Kennedy campus during the year. 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students can attend the presentations all year. 9th graders are not allowed to attend until second term of the 9th grade year. If you are a second term 9th grade student and you wish to attend, please contact Ms. Miller.
- College Application Labs are held after school in the library, October through November. Our Counselors provide this service to assist seniors applying to college.
- Financial Aid Night Our Financial Aid Night takes place in the fall, except for the 23/24 school year. It will be held in January that year.) Financial Aid Night, gives an overview of the financial aid process so you understand what do do and when to do it. This evening is presented by Evelyn Diaz Sanchez from Ohlone College.
- Financial Aid Application Labs are held after school in the Career & College Center as needed. Please contact Ms. Miller for an appointment.
- ACT and SAT Fee Waivers If you qualify, you are eligible for a limited number of fee waivers for the ACT, SAT, and SAT single subject exams. Contact Ms. Miller for the waiver or more information.
- The California State University's NEW placement method for English and math. The CSU's have established a Multiple Measures evaluation for placement in the correct English and math classes. The CSU will use the highest achieved measure to determine placement in the appropriate General Education English and math courses. Please review the multiple measures placement rubric here. The multiple measures include:
- Standardized Tests: SBAC, ACT, SAT, AP, IB, and CLEP
- High School GPA
- High School and College Coursework
- High School Math GPA
- The California State University application opens on October 1. The online application submission window opens on October 1 and closes at 11:59 PM on November 30, .
- The University of California application opens on August 1. At that time students can begin to work on their online application. The application submission window opens on November 1 and closes at 11:59 PM on November 30. Students can look at the Personal Insight Questions at any time, to begin the essay writing process.
- Private Colleges vary on their application window. Check the college website for the exact date.
- Scholarships All scholarships that come through the Career & College Center are posted in the Career Center weekly newsletter. See the scholarship page for more detailed information.
11th Grade (Juniors)
- Do you have 40 hours of Service Learning completed? Check with Mrs. Clark, the Service Learning coordinator in room 114 at brunch, lunch, after school, or listen to the daily bulletin for opportunities to complete your hours. Service Learning page. You will not graduate if you have not completed 40 hours.
- The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). It's a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT®. It also gives you a chance to enter NMSC scholarship programs and gain access to college and career planning tools. This test will be offered here at Kennedy on October 11, 2023. All 10th - 11th grade students will be taking a PSAT, at no cost to parents.
- Visit your Naviance page regularly. Build your resume. Create or update your Planning goals. Apply for scholarships.
- Start your college search now. Check college websites, visit local colleges, talk with older siblings and friends for recommendations on colleges. Attend on-campus college presentations.
- Plan on taking the ACT and/or SAT in the Spring. This is a good time to begin taking your College Entrance Exams. You do not need to take both tests if you don't want to. Most colleges will accept either test, but check the website of the colleges you are thinking of attending so you can be sure you are taking the correct test for entrance into those colleges.
- Keep up with your extracurricular activities. It looks good on your college and scholarship applications when you have been consistently involved in something you are passionate about. (Please put your health first, and only take part in activities that are safe for you and all concerned. All colleges/universities are aware that your normal activities may be curtailed due to COVID-19.)
10th Grade (Sophomores)
- You will take the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) in the fall at no expense to you. If you wish to pay for the practice ACT, you can also take that to see what a college entrance exam is like. Learn where your strengths are so you can work to improve in the other areas before the required entrance exams in the spring of your junior year. (This exam has been cancelled for the Fall of 2020 due to COVID 19.)
- Keep your grades up. The GPA used to calculate your eligibility for a Cal Grant, (free money from the State of California to help pay for college) is determined by your grades from your sophomore and junior years. This is also the GPA that universities/colleges will ask for when considering you for admittance into their school.
- Consider taking an ROP CLASS. These classes may earn you college credits or may meet an a-g requirement, and provide you with job skills.
- Continue to explore Naviance. Your interests and skills may change as you mature. Re-visit your previous assessments and update them. Use the "Roadtrip Nation" function to hear from individuals from around the country and their respective careers.
- Get involved. If you didn't already do so in your 9th grade year, it's not too late. Can't find a club that suits you? Then start your own. Check with Ms. Mulcahy, our Activities Director to find out how easy it is.
9th Grade (Freshmen)
- Keep your grades up. Remember that colleges will not accept any “D’s” or “F’s” on your transcript (the record of all the classes you take in high school).
- Visit your Naviance site and explore. Take the "Strengths Explorer" and the "Career Interest Profiler" to get an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and future career possibilities.
- Get involved. Join a club, a sports team, leadership, or become a cheerleader or volunteer. You will meet new people, make new friends, and begin a solid base of extracurricular involvement. Colleges, universities, and employers want students who are active in their schools/communities.
Last Updated: January 21, 2025