Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (Measure E & M)

The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) assignment is to “actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for school construction” on Measure E & Measure M projects. Bond Measure E, a $650 million General Obligation Bond, was approved by Fremont voters in the June 3, 2014 election. Bond Measure M, a $919 million General Obligation Bond, was approved by Fremont voters in the November 5, 2024 election.

Committee Liaison:
Adam Lint,
Facilities & Construction Director

Adopted bylaws:
CBOC (1/9/24)

Public participation welcome:
Please review guidelines.

CBOC Meetings

All meetings will be in person, and are 6:00-7:30pm unless otherwise noted.

Agendas & Files

Folder may be empty at beginning of school year.

CBOC Google folder

CBOC Members

CBOC Documents & Archive