Measure I Citizens’ Oversight Committee

About Measure I Committee

On June 7, 2016 the voters of Fremont approved to continue a local funding measure, Measure I, an annual tax of $73 per parcel that will generate approximately $4.3 million annually for nine (9) years.  Measure I replaces Measure K that passed in 2010. Measure I will expire in June 2025.

Measure I includes a requirement that Fremont Unified School District establish a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to provide independent oversight to ensure that the Measure I revenue received by the District is spent in accordance with the commitment made to the voters of Fremont.

The Committee will comprise of 11 members, eligible to vote in the Fremont Unified School District, appointed by the Board of Education. District employees are excluded from membership.

  • Two business/community members who live or conduct business in Fremont
  • Six parents/guardians of current FUSD student
  • One FUSD high school student representative who is a member of SURFBoardE
  • Two seniors (65 year of age of older)

Committee Liaison: Budget Director James Arcala,

Measure I Committee Public Access

Meetings held at District Office 4210 Technology Drive. There is no live stream or virtual options; to participate you must be on site. Check agenda for process to provide public comments - no emails will be read during the meeting.

All participants should act civil and appropriate for a public meeting. The Committee respects the right of the public to comment on Committee matters. Employees who are defamed by public comment may be entitled to pursue legal action against those who engage in such comments.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda or accommodations in order to observe or participate in Committee meetings are invited to contact - add "Accommodation" to subject line. Every effort will be made to accommodate your requests.

Measure I Committee Meeting Information

2023-2024 Schedule

Professional Development Center

2023-2024 Agendas & Files

Agendas posted before meetings. Files labeled with year (four digits) - (dash) month (two digits) - (dash) day (two digits) (space) short name of committee then Agenda or Minutes. Folder may be empty at beginning of school year.

Measure I Committee Members

Measure I Committee Documents, Links & Archive

Exemption Waiver Information (Office of the Superintendent web page)

Annual Reporting Files: 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22

Bylaws (July 20, 2016 - Amended 4/15/21)

Measure I Committee 2022-2023 (Google Folder)

Previous Years - Measure I Committee 2021-2017 (Google Folder)