Summer Program and Internship Information

Students can be active during the summer vacation by volunteering, getting a job, interning with a company that relates to the students’ interests. They may also choose to participate in academic programs that enhance their high school learning and that tie into their interests. The goal is to be engaged and active doing something that you enjoy.

If interested, summer programs are a great way to gain hands on experiences in a variety of areas.  Please note, that these programs are optional and not required for college admissions.

Here are a few helpful websites to search for summer activities:

Additional Summer Program info from the AHS Career Center

Summer Program/Internship Application Requiring a Letter of Recommendation:

Complete this profile packet and submit all required documents at least one month (4 weeks) prior to the application deadline.

Please note: students who are requesting a letter of recommendation from a teacher need to speak with them individually at least one month prior to the deadline. 

Summer Program/Internship Application Requiring a Transcript Only: 

If you need an electronic transcript you must order one from Parchment (Click on “Transcripts” Quick Link on AHS website to order).  If a paper transcript is required, order from Office K.