Counselors Overview

Students are assigned to an alpha counselor for grades 9-12. Student assignments by counselor are noted in the table below.

The College and Career Specialist manages our Career Center and is an integral part of the counseling team.

Counselor Assignments
Counselor Assignment Phone Email
Ashley Augster Last Names A - Gh Extn:  37211
Jitin Sharma Last Names Gi - Ln Extn:  37248
Haley Bautista Last Names Lo - Sh Extn:  37215
Lindsay Rotter Last Names Si - Z Extn:  37218
TBD Transition/Support Extn: 37227 TBD


Yvonee Ng Stephanie Martinez
College/Career Specialist Transcript & Records
Extn 37072 Extn 37131


Scheduling a Meeting with Your Counselor

For meetings with parents:

  • Email or phone counselor to set up appointment. No drop-ins.

For meetings with student only: 

  • Students can stop by their counselor’s office throughout the school day
  • Fill out a pink appointment request pass, available at the TA desk in the attendance office

If a student has a crisis or urgent matter regarding their emotional state, no request for a meeting is needed

Meeting Reminders:

  • Review the information listed in each tab to your left prior to scheduling a meeting.
  • Counselors cannot accommodate drop-in visits from parents. Please schedule a meeting prior to seeing us.
  • Email is the most convenient and quickest way to talk with a counselor. Please allow 2 school days to receive a reply.

Note: Counselors do not check their email during school breaks, on weekends, or outside of school hours.